Winter Weather Closes the Passes

It’s now official. The central Sierra passes are closed for the duration. As reported here, 120 over Tioga Pass was opened for a few days in late December but a inevitable winter storm arrived & with 2 more on the near horizon, the Tioga Transierra roadway declared closed for the winter season.

Which roads are affected?

Highway 4 closed over Ebetts Pass.

Highway 108 closed over Sonora Pass.

Highway 120 over Tioga Pass.

We emphasize that 120 is open from the west as the major northern corridor to Yosemite National Park and it offers complete access to Yosemite Valley and other points. 120, however, is not open over Tioga Pass to Highway 395.

As to the exact closure points: Highway 4 over Ebbetts Pass is closed from the Mt. Reba turnoff to the junction of Highways 4 & 89. Highway 108 over Sonora Pass is closed from Kennedy Meadows to the Tuolumne / Mono county line. Highway 120 over Tioga Pass is closed from Crane Flat to 5 miles west of the junction with Highway 395.

Additionally, Glacier Point Road, inside Yosemite, is closed because of snow and will remain so.

As to when they will reopen? Early June is a typical target date.

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