The National Tragedy Reflected in Yosemite/Gold Country

We urge you to bookmark this page & return. It will be updated as new information becomes available.
…the editor.

The tragic events in New York City, the Pentagon & Pennsylvania continue to be on the minds of all of us here in Yosemite/Gold Country. During times like these, we realize how fortunate we are to live where we do. We’re also compelled to share our grief & concern with our fellow countrymen.



While it is extremely unlikely that Yosemite/Gold Country would be a bioterrorist target, it is always wise to error on the side of caution. In lieu of anthrax incidents in mail elsewhere, local law enforcement provides us with the following guidelines:

People who open the mail at public or private agencies & businesses should check the envelopes carefully for any suspicious or unusual characteristics.

“Suspicious” mail may include any mail that is:
– Unexpected or is from an unfamiliar source.
– Addressed to someone no longer with your organization or is outdated in any way.
– Has no return address or an address that cannot be verified.
– Lopsided, oddly shaped, or has an unusual weight.
– Marked with restrictive endorsements, such as “Personal” or “Confidential”.
– Has protruding wires, strange odors, stains or powder.
– Shows a city or state in the postmark that doesn’t match the return address.

If you receive what you perceive to be a suspicious letter you should:
– Not try to open the package / envelope. IF you do open it & there is reason for concern:
– Isolate the parcel and cover it with paper or towel.
– Evacuate the immediate area.
– Wash your hands with warm water & soap.
– Call local law enforcement.

Likewise, law enforcement officials recommend opening routine mail in the following manner:
– Don’t shake it.
– Use a letter opener, not your fingers.
– Gently cut the envelope open using a letter opener.
– Remove the letter carefully.
– When unfolding the letter, open it one fold at a time.
– Persons who open mail, as a part of their regular duties, may wear latex gloves when practical.
– U.S. Postmaster General recommends washing hands after handing mail.


New Virus Disguised As Vote On War

Some antivirus software vendors are warning of a new virus posing as a program to collect votes about whether the United States should respond militarily to the Sept. 11 terrorist attack. Instead of collecting votes, the virus deletes computer files.

The trojan, sent via a mass mailing from Microsoft Outlook, currently appears with the subject line “Peace between America and Islam” and carries an attachment named WTC.exe, according to Computer Associates. The body of the E-mail contains the message: “Hi. Is it a war against America or Islam? Let’s vote to live in Peace.”

Both CA and Trend Micro Inc. are reporting the trojan as a medium-risk virus, but it still carries a destructive payload. Infected users will have their systems’ C drive formatted. The virus also deletes certain antivirus products, and drops the files WTC.exe and mixDaLaL.vbs. The virus also replaces HTM and HTML files with the message: AmeRiCa . . . Few Days WiLL Show you What We Can Do ! ! ! it’s Our Turn >>> ZaCkEr is So Sorry For you.” The Trojan requires that the Visual Basic Runtime Library MSVBVM50.DLL be available on the targeted computer system.
…courtesy of Information Week.


Klingerman Virus e-mail:

Subject: serious stuff Subject: Please Read This Email – Better Safe than Sorry. NOT A JOKE. PLEASE READ! ONCE YOU HAVE READ THIS PLEASE FORWARD TO ALL YOU KNOW.

This is from Schwab corporate headquarters – so it’s no joke. Very scary. Be careful – Just when you thought you were safe, now we have the following to deal with…please read, it definitely is a serious threat to our lives and health. This is an alert about a virus in the original sense of the word…one that affects your body, not your hard drive. There have been 23 confirmed cases of people attacked by the Klingerman Virus, a virus that arrives in your real mail box, not your e-mail in box. Someone has been mailing large blue envelopes, seemingly at random, to people inside the US. On the front of the envelope in bold black letters is printed, “A gift for you from the Klingerman Foundation.” When the envelopes are opened, there is a small sponge sealed in plastic. This sponge carries what has come to be known as the Klingerman Virus, as public health officials state, this is a strain of virus they have not previously encountered. When asked for comment, Florida police Sergeant Stetson said, “We are working with the CDC and the USPS, but have so far been unable to track down the origins of these letters. The return addresses have all been different, and we are certain a remaining service is being used, making our jobs that much more difficult.” Those who have come in contact with the Klingerman Virus have been hospitalized with severe dysentery. So far seven of the victims have died. There is no legitimate Klingerman Foundation mailing unsolicited gifts. If you receive an oversized blue envelope in the mail marked “A gift from the Klingerman foundation.” DO NOT open it. Place it in a strong plastic bag or container and call the police immediately. The “gift” is one you definitely do not want to open. PLEASE PASS THIS ON TO EVERYONE YOU CARE ABOUT.

That’s what the e-mail says. Here’s what the authorities have to say about this hoax:
United States Postal Service
Centers for Disease Control & Prevention


It didn’t take long for bogus e-mail solicitations to flow … with links to “help the victims” websites that helped line the pockets of the unscrupulous authors. One e-mail was purportedly from someone trapped in the World Trade Center who escaped to write this e-mail which turned out to be a plea to buy an on – line will kit. We’re pleased to report that the 2 largest on line scams have had their sites pulled. If you know of a scam, please share it with us. Our e-mail address is at the bottom of this page.



Financial Assistance:
Red Cross
Red Cross website

United Way
NYC United Way website

Salvation Army
Salvation Army website

Liberty Unites:
This website was unveiled last month by President Bush at a White House Press Conference. It is the collective work of 6 of the biggest names on the internet: Microsoft, E-Bay, Amazon, Yahoo, AOL – Time Warner & Cisco Systems. Donations made on this site are safe, private & secure:
Liberty Unites Website

Sonora Area Foundation: The foundation has announced that they’ll be working with the Community Foundation of New York, the New York Community Trust & the United Way to establish a fund to help victims. Monetary donations are tax deductable & may be directed to specific areas (New York City, Washington D.C., etc.).
More information: 209.533.2596.

Firefighters’ Salute:
These men & women have risked their lives so that others might live. What can we do locally & nationally to salute these bravest of the brave? We invite your input:
Firefighters’ Salute

Community Blood Drives:
Tuolumne County:
Location: To be announced
More information: 888.94.BLOOD (Delta Blood Bank)

Calaveras County:
Location: 164 East St. Charles, San Andreas
Date: every Tuesday from 12noon to 6:30pm.
More information: 888.94.BLOOD (Delta Blood Bank)

Mariposa County:
No regularly scheduled blood donation center.
Call the Central Valley Blood Bank for info on upcoming drives.
More information: 559.224.8244


Local airports:
Per FAA edict, general aviation has reopened with some restrictions. Check with any individual airport for details. In Yosemite / Gold Country, these include:
Calaveras County Airport
Columbia Airport
Pine Mountain Lake Airport
Mariposa/Yosemite Airport

The following poem was written by Sandy Ellison of Arnold.


Sadness lays heavy in my heart
And in the hearts of people everywhere
For our peace has been torn apart
By terrorists who caused an unthinkable nightmare
Evil fanatics, destroying, causing havoc
Hurting innocent people, so much pain
An act preformed by minds run amuck
Those left behind crying tears of rain
Children, losing their Mom or their Dad
A woman losing the love of her life
So many friends and families made sad
A man crying for the loss of his wife
And we ask why? Why did this have to be?
These people choose to fight in a cowards way
But we are still here, united, we are still free
Our freedom will not be taken, it is here to stay
They can cause death, and terror and pain
They can make our building’s fall to the ground
But they really have nothing to gain
Because long after they are gone, we will still be around
Tonight and for many nights to come, our pain will be felt
But we have many nations standing behind us giving support
Against the cruel blow that we were dealt
And together we stand until these terrorist, we do abort
Tomorrow is set aside as a day of memory and prayer
To join hands and remember the people that have gone above
To mourn our loss brought on by an act so unfair
To reach out to each other in hope and remembrance and love
To remember and mourn the people who were lost
To give our comfort and the love in our heart
Because we stand united at any cost
And we honor those that did so depart..
Please remember those that lost their lives and those that lost
their families, and the many rescue workers that died trying to help.
God Bless America, may it always be the land of the free…

“A picture is worth a thousand words.” These pictures speak volumes. The link below will take a few minutes to download on all but the fastest connections. Please be patient. The wait is well worth it.
Gallery of Photos

Do you have a story to tell, a photo to share? Feel free to e-mail it so we might share it with others: [email protected]

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