Bodie, Yosemite/Gold Country’s most historic ghost town, has more thandoubled in size. California’s Department of Parks & Recreation hasacquired an additional 520 acres that, until now, had been consideredfor open-pit gold mining.
Preservationists, attuned to the park’s “arrested deterioration”status, did not want the current remains corrupted by an adjacent”new” project.
The state parks department acquired the additional land in cooperationwith the U.S. Bureau of Land Management, the American LandConservancy, the Wildlife Conservancy Board and the Department ofTransportation.
Bodie is 13 miles east of Highway 395 on Highway 270 (6 miles north ofBridgeport and 20 minutes north of Mono Lake). Yosemite National Parkvisitors utilizing the Highway 120 entrance to Yosemite form the eastshould seriously consider visits to both Bodie & Mono Lake.
FYI: Highway 270 is open only sporadically in the winter and is notpaved for the final 3 miles to Bodie.
For more information on Bodie (including photos), please click here.